Verba 9.4 Release Notes (build

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Verba 9.4 Release Notes (build

This document lists new features and fixes released in Verba 9.4 Release Notes (build

Release Date2019-07-31
Previous9.3 (build
Next9.5 (build

Release highlights

RI-018070Recording - BT ITS
BT ITS trader voice recording integration: - Certified BT ITS recording solution - IPSI based recording, no TDM support - 2N and N+1 recorder configurations - 2N CTI resiliency deployment option - Compatible with trader voice recording data model (only) - Support for VAD (voice activity detection) and media segmentation for long calls - All types of recording mix layouts are supported - Support for TMS file and/or LDAP based configuration read - Scalable, resilient architecture using the standard Verba Recording Director and Media Recorder configurations - learn more
RI-018145Platform - Database
Database performance improvements for large scale installations: - Database insert throughput increased - Partitioning for large tables - Bulk operations with daily maintenance jobs
RI-017988Platform - Import
Migration from Verint v11.x FT platform allowing importing of historical recordings: - Support for archived calls only - Supported archive mediums: SMB folder or EMC Centera (tapes, DVDs or any other removable media is not supported) - Storage targets are automatically created based on the archive configuration in Verint - All Verint v11 file formats and codecs are supported: wave file using G.729, G.723.1 or G.726 - Encrypted calls are not supported - Both back office and front office (trader voice) calls can be imported - Migrated calls are assigned to users defined in Verba based on their associated recorded extensions (Trader ID / Extension or Phone Number / SIP URI)

Known Critical Issues

First Affected
Resolved in
Certain calls between Skype for Business and Teams or Azure VoiceMail cannot be recorded

Am I affected?
All Sykpe for Business recording installations are affected where the recorded users can call Teams users or place voicemail messages in Azure VoiceMail.

Certain Skype for Business calls cannot be recorded when a recorded Skype for Business user is calling a Teams user and one of the participants is outside of the corporate network, or a recorded Skype for Business user is placing an Azure VoiceMail message. This limitation is caused by the new call setup procedure, and specifically in ICE negotiation, introduced in Teams and Azure VoiceMail, which prevents the recording system to redirect and force the calls to the Skype for Business Edge Server where the Media collector can fork the related media streams. Since the system is not able to capture the media streams related to these calls, these calls are not recorded. No alerts are raised unless CDR reconciliation is enabled.

Currently there is no workaround other than disabling Teams or Azure VM calling entirely for the recorded users. We are actively working on implementing a new solution which extends the capabilities of the Proxy Server to be able to relay these type of calls too. It requires a major change in the architecture by allowing the Proxy Server to relay calls with external participants through a public interface. It also means that that calls which are currently routed through the Skype for Business Edge Server and forked by the Media Collector Service will be routed through the Proxy Servers that same way as calls with internal or PSTN participants. We are currently targeting July 2020 with the enhanced version of the Proxy Server.
Resolved in
Call Detail Records (CDR) for the current day are incorrectly deleted from the database during the daily database maintenance job.

Am I affected?
All v9.5.2.5947 and v9.4.8.5848 or later installations could be affected.

After invoking the database purge function for ongoing calls that are stuck in the system, the daily database maintenance job can delete all call records from the database table, that stores the records for the current day, resulting in data loss. The problem can occur if the same CDR entry exists in the ongoing and the indexed finished table. In this instance, the purged records are moved to the non-indexed finished table, and a duplication occurs in the index finished table's data. The same issue can occur in one other, infrequent circumstance. The recorder service includes a process to resolve calls that are in an incorrect state, this process can move the duplicated CDR to the index table from the non-indexed table.

CDR information can be restored from the metadata XML files created by the recording services and stored along with the media file on the configured storage target. A patch is available for both v9.4 and v9.5 system which fixes the maintenance job code.

Critical Fixes

Fixed in
RI-021786Platform - Database
Call Detail Records (CDR) for the current day are incorrectly deleted from the database during the daily database maintenance job

After invoking the database purge function for ongoing calls that are stuck in the system, the daily database maintenance job can delete all call records from the database table, that stores the records for the current day, resulting in data loss. The problem can occur if the same CDR entry exists in the ongoing and the indexed finished table. In this instance, the purged records are moved to the non-indexed finished table, and a duplication occurs in the index finished table's data. The same issue can occur in one other, infrequent circumstance. The recorder service includes a process to resolve calls that are in an incorrect state, this process can move the duplicated CDR to the index table from the non-indexed table. All v9.5.2.5947 and v9.4.8.5848 or later installations could be affected. CDR information can be restored from the metadata XML files created by the recording services and stored along with the media file on the configured storage targe
If you are using the effected components, we recommend a software update.

Feature Improvements

Added in
New server security configuration to enable or disable TLS versions: TLS v1, TLS v1.1, TLS v1.2 to restrict secure connections to system components
ECDHE is offered/enabled in TLS connections
Openssl library is updated to the latest v1.0.2s
Server security configuration to enable or disable TLS versions now works for Java services too
RI-018613Recording - Cisco
The Cisco JTAPI Service can determine and override the call direction based on the internal number pattern (the Gateway Addresses is not used anymore)
RI-020493Recording - Cisco
Generate an alert when the connection to the Genesys T-Server goes down
RI-017758Recording - Lync/SfB
SIP activity watching period in Filter takes into account server local time instead of UTC, also we can define on which days of the week this should be active.
RI-018659Recording - Lync/SfB
Microsoft Skype for Business Front-End Server SDK (serveragent.dll) updated from the latest CUs for SfB 2015 (CU9) and SfB 2019 (CU1)
RI-018889Recording - Avaya
Avaya UCID is stored in the Technical Identifier (native_id) field
RI-018088Recording - Unified Call Recorder
When no Media Recorder is available at session establishment, the service responds with service unavailable (SIP 503 response code), in order to order to force the remote peer to move the session to the next available recorder/trunk
RI-018232Recording - Unified Call Recorder
Trigger Failover Recovery (load-rebalancing) feature for BT ITS, IPC Unigy and BT IP Trade recording
RI-018259Recording - BT ITS
BT ITS dashboard displaying TTP status, CTI status, etc.
RI-018865Recording - BT ITS
New Pending status added to the BT ITS TTP Status widget which shows when a TTP connection is being established
RI-018878Recording - BT ITS
TTP subscription throttling implemented to optimize the load on the BT ITS IPSI cards during TTP connection initialization
RI-018883Recording - BT ITS
Improvements for BT ITS recording: - IPSI trace info commands are logged separately - New timers: TTP Inititliazion Timeout and Established TTP Timeout (instead of one TTP failure timer) - Media Recorder preference configuration now accepts TTP ranges too (not only Voice Recorder Cluster IDs)
RI-020376Recording - BT ITS
BT ITSAnywhere supported added (VCS turrets)
RI-017925Recording - IPC
Integration with IPC DataExchange API to allow importing trader voice conversation from the IPC Unigy 360 cloud platform
RI-019602Recording - IPC
In the case of IPC Unigy CCM failover and agent/CDR refresh failure with error code 503, the system does not try to reestablish the recording sessions, it waits until the other CCM becomes active
RI-018020Recording - Cloud9
New Call Type metadata field to store the call types: Click to Call, Ring Down, Shout Down
RI-018559Recording - Cloud9
New audio format configuration for Cloud 9 recordings
RI-017911UI - Web Interface
All conversation participants are displayed in the player under that conversation details tab
RI-018028UI - Web Interface
The Content Server sends audio for playback in PCM 16Khz format instead of MP3 by default (configurable)
RI-018081UI - Web Interface
Auto-complete is disabled on forms to avoid the accidental saving of ambiguous data
RI-018208UI - Web Interface
New configuration for daily jobs schedule (default schedule for Active Directory synchronization, license check, database maintenance jobs for SQL Server Express Editions, expired reports deletion) under Web Application / Miscellaneous / Daily Jobs Start At (Server Timezone)
RI-018214UI - Web Interface
Allows adjusting media during playback to help users cope with time synchronization issues. Lack of accurate server time synchronization could cause that CDR-only records reference media inaccurately.
RI-018459UI - Web Interface
Ability to acknowledge and clear all listed alerts
RI-018634UI - Web Interface
New authentication options: - Azure Active Directory (AAD) - Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS) New Identity Providers (IdP) configuration through Roles to enable/disable the new authentication modes in addition to the existing Database Credentials, Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) and Active Directory (LDAP) options.
RI-018719UI - Web Interface
Playback is available for ongoing CDR-Only records on the Ongoing Calls page which allows playing back e.g. open line recordings where the segmentation timer has not yet closed the CDR-Only record in the database. Finished Media-Only records were and still are playable regardless of the status of the related CDR-Only record(s).
RI-018788UI - Web Interface
The Web Application supports SMB encryption for storage targets where direct playback is available
RI-018795UI - Web Interface
Markers now displayed in case of adjusted media records. The markers also follow the default and manual media stitching adjustment settings.
RI-018845UI - Web Interface
The player can display the actual/absolute time during playback, not just relative time
RI-018900UI - Web Interface
Valid Until is added to the Users list screen when the Show Expired feature is turned on
RI-018909UI - Web Interface
Several improvements for Audit Log: - Object Name, Object Type, Object ID are standard across all events (where applicable) - Exported calls can now be tracked in the audit log the same way as downloaded records - Numerous minor improvements for consistent information across the events
RI-019472UI - Web Interface
Search and export improvements in CDR-Only record handling. CDR-Only records without related media are automatically excluded from search (new filter options are available).
RI-020291UI - Web Interface
Invalidated users are no longer visible on the Role User Association screen
RI-020592UI - Web Interface
Adding and updating Recorder Line PIN code generation to the My Account page
RI-020593UI - Web Interface
CDR-Only Records Without Related Media are not hidden by default because it makes the queries run longer
RI-023119UI - Web Interface
Improved translations for German, French, Japanese, Korean and Russian languages
RI-023220UI - Web Interface
Apache Tomcat version is upgraded to 9.0.37
RI-018120UI - Reporting
New Upload Status widget showing the status of upload queues on the recorders
RI-018578UI - Reporting
Dashboard snapshot timers now configurable to allow adjusting loading/waiting times
RI-018894UI - Reporting
User Name (Login) field is added to Audit Log Details report
RI-018896UI - Reporting
Improved Call Playback Event Details report to optionally list exported and downloaded conversations too
RI-019020UI - Reporting
"Source Platform" filter added to the User CDR Reconciliation Summary report
RI-019026UI - Reporting
"Recording Failed" - "Yes/No" filter added to the Not Recorded and Incorrect Conversation Details report
RI-019130UI - Reporting
Platform Call ID added to Voice Quality Check Details report to be able to match 2N recordings
RI-019156UI - Reporting
New column in the Users CDR Reconciliation Summary report which counts the number of calls where the number of RTP packets is below a threshold (report setting)
RI-019157UI - Reporting
Search query is added to the XLS version of the Audit Log Details report
RI-019185UI - Reporting
RTP Count information is added to the Non-Recorded and Incorrect Conversations Detail report
RI-023951UI - Reporting
New Users Conversation Volume report showing the total number of recorded conversations for users
RI-019653Solution - Ethical Wall
Skype for Business 'Call me in' scenarios are evaluated as the user's sip:uri who requested the call me in. It allows the user to use any number for 'Call me in'.
RI-019491Platform - Announcement
Announcement whitelist only takes into account the external party in the call
RI-018826Platform - API
New HTTP Business API call to mark ongoing calls for deletion (finished calls can be deleted too)
RI-023116Platform - API
Related call support added to DeleteCall and KeepCall HTTP API calls
RI-018001Platform - Configuration
Retention Period (days) can be configured through Active Directory synchronization by selecting an AD attribute
RI-018729Platform - Configuration
Voice Activity Detection (VAD) is now enabled for all trader voice integrations by default
RI-018764Platform - Configuration
The default call segmentation timer for trader voice recording is now reduced to 15 minutes
RI-024716Platform - Database
The database Index Rebuild process is automatically stopped after 24 hours to avoid blocking normal operation by the database maintenance process
RI-027344Platform - Database
The search was slow in certain cases because the SQL Server has built the wrong execution plan
RI-017971Platform - Environment
Additional IPv6 support added: - Web based silent monitoring - Desktop agent (screen capture, mute) - Storage and export targets - Import sources
RI-018462Platform - Licensing
New license page under System / License when the latest v5 licenses are used for easier tracking license usage, per tenant-based information in case of multi-tenant deployments
RI-018463Platform - Licensing
New license usage reports for reporting on historical license usage: - License Usage Details (historical daily usage information with monthly summary for peak usage) - License Usage Summary (historical monthly usage information per tenant)
RI-017954Platform - Media Processing
New audio format support added for migrations from Verint platforms: - WAVE G.723.1 Mono/Stereo - WAVE G.729 Mono/Stereo - WAVE G.722 Mono/Stereo - WAVE G.726 Mono/Stereo
RI-018006Platform - Media Processing
Support for WAVE files with large metadata in the header added for migration and import from 3rd party platforms
RI-018064Platform - Media Processing
New global setting to adjust media stitching to compensate server clock drifts in case of trader voice recording
RI-017965Platform - Storage Management
Improved performance for export jobs, in some cases export can work 100% faster than before
RI-018021Platform - Storage Management
SMTP storage target service level configuration settings now include timeout, certificate, and startTLS
RI-018079Platform - Storage Management
SMTP export performance improvements: - Persistent SMTP connections introduced to avoid connection handshake overhead - Base64 encoding performance improvement
RI-018112Platform - Storage Management
SMTP export now supports metadata template fields as well
RI-018695Platform - Storage Management
Integration with DELL EMC Unity File Level Retention (FLR) storages
RI-018718Platform - Storage Management
Improved handling of intermittent SMB/DFS access denied errors to avoid raising unnecessary alerts
RI-018846Platform - Storage Management
Transcoding support for Verint export to allow exporting voice recordings not supported by the Verint platform
RI-018862Platform - Storage Management
During the execution of the storage policies, the system tries to execute the SQL statements multiple times before raising an alert
RI-018895Platform - Storage Management
Metadata export is now available for additional storage/export targets (AWS S3, Azure Storage, etc.)
RI-018913Platform - Storage Management
The pbx_login_id field can be mapped to a custom metadata field during Verint WFO exports
RI-019590Platform - Storage Management
CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) header support added to DELL EMC Isilon SmartLock integration
RI-020143Platform - Storage Management
There was a delay in media stitching/download when the SQL Server was busy with retrieving calls for data retention policy
RI-020286Platform - Storage Management
Performance optimization for SFTP based exports to improve upload speed
RI-018494Installer - Servers
Install Kit updates: - Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express Edition - Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 - Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server - OpenJDK Java Runtime 11.0.4
RI-018824Installer - Servers
Install kit now includes the latest OpenJDK 11.0.5 MSI installer package (instead of the files and PowerShell script-based installation)
RI-020323Platform - CDR and Archived Content Import
Skype for Business CDR reconciliation improvements: - the Passive Recorder Service can optionally create database records even if the RTP threshold is not reached - the CDR reconciliation process can match and store the RTP counters available in the SfB QoE database and captured by the Verba recorders, the alerts raised in case of missing recording contains both RTP counter values - the Not-Recorded and Incorrect Conversation Details report shows both RTP counters when available
RI-018010Platform - Import
Generic import source now supports absolute media file path when defined in the CDR data. It also tries to locate the media files without the folder information.
RI-018348Platform - Import
Testing option for generic imports which allows validating configuration settings such as field mapping, etc.
RI-018693Platform - Import
Imported overlapping trader voice media records (e.g. duplicate recordings) are not filtered out during stitching to avoid echo during playback
RI-018706Platform - Import
Verint migration improvements: - Pause feature to suspend the migration process and resume it later - Export capability for the subsets list and status page - Direction (User) field is available for trader voice recordings - Improved handling of duplicate recordings during playback to avoid echo - SQL scripts required for the migration are no longer executed automatically from the installer, have to be manually executed
RI-018781Platform - Import
Generic Import Source: Verba 8 Instant Message import improvements
RI-019479Platform - Import
Generic Importer regexp function no longer requires a capture group. Also added trace level logging for all function handling substring, regexp, replace, if, equal ...
RI-023118Platform - Import
Failed multipart content is logged into a separate folder (limited size) instead of a log file for the Import API


Fixed in
Database password was logged as clear text in the Content Server and Media Streamer, and the Import Service log file
Import source logs contained passwords from configurations in plain text
Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability fixes for multi tenant environments
XML External Entity (XXE) Vulnerability fixed: external entities (for example DTDs) were resolved
Web Server Universal XSS vulnerability resolved for the internal Web Application API
Multiple security and vulnerability fixes and configuration changes for the Web Application: - Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability fixes - Weak ciphers removed from TLS configuration - HTTP security headers updated - Web Application logging changes to hide version and code specific information - 3rd party Javascript library updates - Improved secure cookie handling
RI-018499Recording - Proxy
Controlled recording: when both participants are recorded in the same call, if any of them stops recording, the recorder requests the media collector to stop streaming related media which stopped the recording of the other user too
RI-018016Recording - Cisco
If the directory number started with #, the system could not determine the caller and called parties properly and user assignment did not work properly either
RI-018732Recording - Cisco
Memory leak in Cisco JTAPI Service when the Genesys integration was configured. After no more memory left for the Java process, the system stopped inserting records into the database and the service had to be restarted. CDR information had to manually imported with only limited metadata (without any Genesys specific information) for calls recorded under this period.
RI-018773Recording - Cisco
SIP proxy between Cisco Voice Portal (CVP) and CUCM fails when multiple proxies are defined for high availability on the CVP side
RI-019587Recording - Cisco
Cisco network-based recording with JTAPI integration: silence, cross-talk, and DTMF marker positions were stored with 0 position
RI-019636Recording - Cisco
Cisco JTAPI service did not associate conference participants with users
RI-019648Recording - Cisco
Cisco JTAPI call details were not added to the Barger party's recording in case of Barge calls (Called information and Agent ID)
RI-021787Recording - Cisco
If the Verba Cisco JTAPI Service was stopped meanwhile it was processing an End Call event, then the call could stick in the ongoing records
RI-021788Recording - Cisco
Unchanged Genesys metadata were not stored for the next call of an extension
RI-017968Recording - Cisco IM
Persistent Chat Room conversations were not associated to Verba users
RI-017984Recording - Lync/SfB
Incoming calls to a Response Group or Call Park service did not work when recording announcement was configured
RI-017991Recording - Lync/SfB
Controlled auto-start recorded extensions did not invoke announcement in Skype for Business conferences
RI-018042Recording - Lync/SfB
Snom interoperability issues resolved in UCMA B2B calls involving the Verba proxy
RI-018176Recording - Lync/SfB
In the case of recording of Edge-based calls, the same call is assigned to two recorders (by the media collector and the proxy server). In some circumstances, the Lync/SfB Window Extension triggered controlled recording on the recorder which doesn't receive actual media.
RI-018498Recording - Lync/SfB
The recording announcement got into a loop in case of delegate/team call/simring when the call was coming in through a gateway where SIP refer was enabled
RI-018565Recording - Lync/SfB
Decoding artifacts could appear in Skype for Business video conference recordings
RI-018570Recording - Lync/SfB
Users could not stop call recording in the Lync/SfB Window Extension in some cases
RI-018640Recording - Lync/SfB
SfB: delegated calls were not recorded on behalf of the impersonated calling user if 3rd party call recording was enabled
RI-018653Recording - Lync/SfB
The Lync/SfB Window Extension didn't check if the call was assigned to the user or not and in case of supervisors, it could start recording for other users.
RI-018737Recording - Lync/SfB
The URI for the impersonated announcement call leg in conference calls is changed from verba.announcement to
RI-018786Recording - Lync/SfB
Skype for Business - Acano calls were recorded with artifacts when Edge Server was involved
RI-023111Recording - Lync/SfB
Log masking in Skype for Business/Lync Filter Services could lead to failure in logging which could interrupt the normal operation of the service and cause loss of recordings
RI-027348Recording - Lync/SfB
The SfB Filter service didn't take into account the keep-alive timeout configuration properly. In the case of a congested network, the proxy could have exceeded 5 seconds response window which caused the filter to drop the connection.
RI-019651Recording - Lync/SfB IM
The SfB/Lync Chat Recorder Service was not able to execute the SQL commands after an SQL Server connection failure from the SQL cache if the size of the cache was larger then 2000 entries
RI-018849Recording - Avaya
The Avaya DMCC/JTAPI Service tried to register extensions where the Recorded Platform was not configured for Avaya (the system raised alerts)
RI-018901Recording - Avaya
Avaya UCID was not written into the Technical Identifier (native_id) field in some call scenarios
RI-019597Recording - Avaya
Avaya DMCC Service tried the next (backup) CM when got "Access code invalid" error during extension registration
RI-018572Recording - Unified Call Recorder
Participant display name was inserted as non-unicode into the participant list
RI-018705Recording - Unified Call Recorder
The connection between the Recording Director and the Media Recorder was intermittently lost and alerts were raised due to improper handling of messages in very rare cases
RI-018843Recording - Unified Call Recorder
In case of a very fast graceful Media Recorder restart, the Recording Director was not able to recognize the restart and did not reallocate ongoing recording sessions to other Media Recorders which caused loss of recording for the ongoing calls (next call was recorded properly)
RI-018897Recording - Unified Call Recorder
If fail over was triggered by network timeout between the Recording Director and the Media Recorder, the failed Media Recorder did not release the RTP ports in all cases. This could lead to exhausting the configured port range on the server which could cause data loss and recording failure. An alert was generated by the system in that case.
RI-018500Recording - IPTrade
Recording rules execution process dropped the turret connections when the recording rules have changed. With the new solution, the changes will affect the next call. In case of open lines (TPO based recording), we recommend a logout and login due to the nature of these call scenarios to make sure the new recording rules are applied to the affected traders.
RI-018666Recording - IPTrade
CDR records were not created after call segmentation when recording was configured with Remote Media Recorder(s). In this case, the Recording Director is connected to a Media Recorder running on another server. Media records were still created, but corresponding CDR records were not. In case of TPO based recording, the recordings could not be found when searching by users. This error generates a Call Processing alert: cannot update/terminate recording.
RI-018724Recording - IPTrade
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) caused distorted audio for BT IP Trade recordings when Voice Activity Detection (VAD) was enabled even if AGC was disabled
RI-018818Recording - IPTrade
If Voice Activity Detection (VAD) is enabled for stereo recording, media was not recorded and start time became invalid leading to SQL errors
RI-018819Recording - IPTrade
Multiple participants on behalf of the caller were unexpected and parsed incorrectly, leading to SQL data truncation error
RI-018553Recording - BT ITS
Invalid LDAP query was generated when just a single Recorder Cluster ID was configured
RI-018555Recording - BT ITS
CDR records might be created even when they are expected to be filtered out due to the Recording Cluster configuration (CDRs created by cstMoved event)
RI-018789Recording - BT ITS
Memory leak in checking the BT Heartbeat and Directory Service status on Media Recorder servers
RI-018804Recording - BT ITS
BT ITS cstCallMoved (call routed through 2 DLIC based on the dialed number) was not interpreted properly and led to splitting a CDR record unnecessarily. Also, it could enumerate traders in participant list who were actually not connected to the line.
RI-018813Recording - BT ITS
Physically disconnected BT ITS turret's media channels carry 0xFF which decoded as A-law which triggered constant Voice Activity Detection (VAD) which started media recording
RI-018831Recording - BT ITS
BT ITS Heartbeat service keepalive detection might fail if global_ipconfig.txt download and service (re)starts take more than the default 12 sec leading to unexpected BT service restarts and media record outage
RI-018869Recording - BT ITS
During LDAP synchronization, the download status was not verified and when the system read LDAP at the same time when BT ITS updated the LDAP directory, the data could become inconsistent until the next LDAP read
RI-018891Recording - BT ITS
Wrong DDI/Line label is stored for the far end participants when there was a Phantom DDI with same ID as another Line Label
RI-019649Recording - BT ITS
If BT ITS TTP staggering time for a given TTP was longer than TTP initialization timeout, recorder considered TTP as failed for a short period of time. This resulted in a false TTP Down alert and in the case of dynamic load balancing of TTPs, it could trigger a Media Recorder failover unnecessarily
RI-018092Recording - IPC
IPC Unigy CDR event feed might be stuck after network connection issues, leading to loss of CDR records
RI-018707Recording - IPC
IPC Unigy ongoing CDR records were closed after CDR subscription/connection CTI failure and were not re-created after the failure
RI-018800Recording - IPC
IPC Unigy N+1 Recording Director redundancy created CDR records on both active/passive Recording Director servers
RI-018820Recording - IPC
Talk state markers are lost after CDR segmentation
RI-018912Recording - IPC
The Line Description and the Direction fields were missing from the IPC Unigy Metadata Template in case of some specific upgrade paths
RI-018914Recording - IPC
A deadlock could occur at TCP/TLS connection brokering for outbound SIP requests if connection establishment was slow. This could lead to loss of data for a short period of time. An alert was raised.
RI-019603Recording - IPC
Media recording could stop when there was a Media Recorder failure at the same time when there was a new media session establishment
RI-020289Recording - IPC
IPC Unigy CTI connection up (Recording Provider Up) alert was sent out with wrong alert type (Recording Provider Down)
RI-020588Recording - IPC
Recording for IPC Unigy softclients did not work because the recorder did not offer AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 for SRTP
RI-017976Recording - Cloud9
Cloud9 Media Foundation alert was falsely triggered while the feature was installed on the server
RI-020657Recording - Cloud9
Cloud9 import failed when microphone was set for device type in case of ring down calls
RI-024117Recording - Cloud9
Cloud9 Recording System API integration did not work and C9 clients were unable to upload data to the Recording Server (affects or later builds only)
RI-017913Recording - Desktop
If there are multiple ongoing calls for the same user, the desktop agent auto-mute feature mutes the last established call only
RI-018698Recording - Desktop
Screen and voice recording multiplexer generated invalid VF files
RI-018424Recording - SMS
Strange character was stored at the beginning of each MMS message due to parsing errors
RI-017926UI - Web Interface
Daily Active Directory synchronization did not run in case it was disabled on one of the Media Repository/Application Servers, because this server logged that AD synchronization was executed even though it was disabled.
RI-018080UI - Web Interface
Storage targets defined with a '\' (backslash) character at the end caused the Web Application to fail to find the files
RI-018631UI - Web Interface
Send Authorization Requests Permission did not give access for the Search menu when the user had no access to conversations otherwise
RI-018632UI - Web Interface
Applying the extension configuration in one of the tenants triggered the apply configuration task on all the tenants. It still will trigger for all of the tenants if they do it in the reference environment (0000)
RI-018633UI - Web Interface
The Active Directory synchronization did not invalidate such users in Verba whose login name was modified in the AD
RI-018687UI - Web Interface
Multi-Tenant reference administrator saw the reference environment's metadata template fields in the Data Retention Policy and Conversation Details screens instead if the selected environment's fields
RI-018702UI - Web Interface
Deleting the recording rule while it was still assigned to an extension caused an error
RI-018703UI - Web Interface
In Multi-Tenant mode, if the Recorder Server did not belong to the Reference Environment, then On-Demand call keep and deletion did not work
RI-018731UI - Web Interface
If a marker is added without selecting a timeframe in the player, then the marker is created with NaN:NaN-NaN:NaN interval
RI-018733UI - Web Interface
When selecting an entry under the "Group Membership History" page the "Group Membership Configuration" did not come up
RI-018738UI - Web Interface
The delete button was visible for conversation records under retention and error was shown when the user attempted to delete the record. The button is no longer displayed for records under retention.
RI-018769UI - Web Interface
Database Purging threw error when pressing "Delete record(s)" / "Update record(s)" button
RI-018771UI - Web Interface
Duration filter did not work when the minute was greater than 59
RI-018775UI - Web Interface
When a new Environment was created, the Dashboard Widgets and the Identity Providers were not copied from the Reference Environment's roles
RI-018796UI - Web Interface
Cancel filter for related media search issue: canceling a search for the related media records always jumped back to page 1 instead of the last visited page
RI-018802UI - Web Interface
Ongoing IM conversation didn't work after the participant view changes because of a wrong SQL statement
RI-018817UI - Web Interface
The BT ITS Source Platform was not available in the Search and Data Management Policy features
RI-018822UI - Web Interface
Storage Folder Path could not be updated when only leading or trailing spaces were changed
RI-018832UI - Web Interface
Saved query search audit log entry was logged as different event type for each saved entry and did not contain the name of the saved query
RI-018833UI - Web Interface
The transcode button did not work in the Conversation View
RI-018834UI - Web Interface
Azure AD secret was visible on the Active Directory synchronization configuration page
RI-018850UI - Web Interface
Data Retention Policy created by a 8.x version could not be saved and "The Data Management Policy has not been updated" error message was shown
RI-018871UI - Web Interface
The Mobile login page and the Cisco IP Phone Login page did not work because there was no way to select an Identity Provider. The first allowed Identity Provider will be assumed (Database Credentials and Windows Active Directory only).
RI-018885UI - Web Interface
Storage Download / Stitching popup did not work for the first time in Internet Explorer 11 if the stitching took at least 1 second
RI-018899UI - Web Interface
Special characters were not displayed in the details section of the Audit Log list screen
RI-018902UI - Web Interface
Private and Important checkboxes were not turned on in the player when the call was marked as Private/Important
RI-018903UI - Web Interface
Background Tasks list End Time column was converted to the user's timezone two times
RI-018908UI - Web Interface
When a user was moved between Active Directory Profiles, then the system removed the user from the groups which were set up in both profiles
RI-019493UI - Web Interface
Azure and ADFS SSO did not work when the web application was behind a load balancer because the wrong Redirect URI was sent to the SSO server
RI-019586UI - Web Interface
Signature validation was very slow in the case of 100K+ calls were recorded on a single day
RI-020144UI - Web Interface
Verify Signature displayed "Signature file not found" when the files were stored on non-SMB/DFS storage targets
RI-020152UI - Web Interface
The update-for-9.4.sql script threw an error under certain circumstances when there were calls marked as Private
RI-020374UI - Web Interface
The Audit Log Details report did not filter for the tenant
RI-020495UI - Web Interface
Administrators with Ready-Only Extensions permissions could invalidate extensions when they had Users/Groups Update permission
RI-020589UI - Web Interface
Playback of the transcoded video file did not work when the files were stored on a NAS accessible by custom credentials, and the record was signed
RI-020595UI - Web Interface
The group supervisor was not able to search on the users already removed from the supervised group
RI-020658UI - Web Interface
Playback of the transcoded video file did not work when the files were stored on a WORM storage and the transcoded file was not on the storage but only in the local file cache, because the original file was sent for playback.
RI-020797UI - Web Interface
Verify Signature displayed error when the recordings were signed but not encrypted and the files were stored on storage that did not support UNC path
RI-021568UI - Web Interface
The Audit Log Types could not be inserted into the database when the Verba database collation differed from the default collation of the database server
RI-021785UI - Web Interface
The group name was not fully visible in forms with group selection option
RI-023110UI - Web Interface
The group could not be deleted if there was a Shared Item referencing it
RI-023114UI - Web Interface
Background Tasks page export did not generate the file with proper data
RI-023115UI - Web Interface
Extension deactivation did not work instantly when the client's timezone was behind GMT
RI-023217UI - Web Interface
User Filter using "Synchronizing AD Profile ID" did not work on the Users List screen
RI-023947UI - Web Interface
Selecting the Excel export option on the Alert Management page resulted in a blank page
RI-023949UI - Web Interface
Send URL feature did not work
RI-023950UI - Web Interface
Audio segment download in player did not work for trader voice recordings with stitched media
RI-024715UI - Web Interface
"Not Equal to" and "Does not match a value in the list" Group filters in Data Retention Policies, Roles Conversation Access Filters etc did not work properly because matched the User even if it was a member of the group just had another membership too
RI-024803UI - Web Interface
Media files bigger than 2 GB cannot be downloaded and played back from the web application
RI-024804UI - Web Interface
The e-mail generated by the Send URL feature displays question marks for non-ASCII characters
RI-018860UI - Waveforms
Archived conversations stored on an SMB folder with custom credentials did not have waveform
RI-017894UI - Reporting
Reports were sent by a random Media Repository instead of the one that generated them
RI-018506UI - Reporting
Date values on the dashboard were displayed in the wrong timezone
RI-018630UI - Reporting
Empty report filters were displayed when no filter was defined for a report
RI-018799UI - Reporting
Dashboard snapshots did not work due to a missing configuration file on the server
RI-018848UI - Reporting
User and Group information was missing from the Voice Quality Details reports
RI-018855UI - Reporting
Dashboard snapshot did not use common timeout configuration
RI-018892UI - Reporting
Custom reports could not be added
RI-018906UI - Reporting
Dashboard snapshot did not work when multiple dashboards were generated
RI-020142UI - Reporting
Voice Quality Check Details report only returned the top 100 random records
RI-021262UI - Reporting
Users CDR Reconciliation Summary report group filters did not work
RI-021263UI - Reporting
Voice Quality Check report issues: - the report showed that there was an "Overall Score less than 75" filter even when there was no filter at all - group filter did not work
RI-023218UI - Reporting
When creating a Voice Quality Check Details report with a group filter, then the users, which were already removed from the group, were included in the report
RI-024721UI - Reporting
Dashboard snapshot schedule was not correct when the creation time converted to UTC resulted in a longer time then 24 hours
RI-024723UI - Reporting
Dashboard snapshot schedule was late when the creation time converted to UTC resulted in a negative time. For example, 7:30 AM Hong Kong time should be created at -0:30AM UTC. That was not converted to 11:30PM.
RI-027345UI - Reporting
Roles and Permissions report did not work
RI-017924Solution - Ethical Wall
Multiple notifications were sent in case of content filter notify policy
RI-018050Solution - Ethical Wall
Communication Policies' Regex field did not support items longer than 256 characters
RI-018504Solution - Ethical Wall
Ethical Wall rules update didn't initialize the ethical wall library used for the rule validator. Only web application restart could initialize the library.
RI-019643Solution - Ethical Wall
Skype for Business DataShare in conferences (whiteboard, PPT share, polls, Q&A, etc.) was evaluated improperly which resulted in allowing these scenarios if the DataShare session policy configured with IM allow policy.
RI-019644Solution - Ethical Wall
Evaluation of the phone numbers changed to use the numbers without the domain part. When it was using the numbers with the domain-part, it didn't match any phone number based ethical wall rules e.g.: phone number as a conference participant, PSTN calls, phone number as simring.
RI-018888Solution - Speech Analytics
Transcripts longer than 4096 bytes were not inserted into the database (alert was raised)
RI-017978Platform - Announcement
The Lync/SfB announcement did not work when the domain name contained a mix of lower case and capital letters
RI-018805Platform - Announcement
Outbound calls were considered inbound by the Cisco announcement service when the user is configured for inbound announcement only
RI-017931Platform - API
REST import API did not work for SMS data when the SMS text was delivered as a CDR field instead of a file
RI-017958Platform - API
REST import API did not work when "media errors", "direction", "cause", "signaling" and "retarget reason" fields were not defined (although these are not mandatory)
RI-018669Platform - API
Provisioning Web Service CreateExtension threw NullPointerException when the requester user did not belong to the Reference Environment
RI-020288Platform - API
Attach Metadata HTTP Business API call did not work for ongoing conversations
RI-021269Platform - API
GetMediaEncoded API call did not take the format parameter into account and always returned WAVE files
RI-024718Platform - API
SearchCalls API threw error when searching for ongoing calls without the end time parameter
RI-027343Platform - API
Import REST API fixes and improvements: - the API restricts access for users created in the reference environment/tenant only - the work folder was not cleaned up after successful import - a new work folder setting is introduced
RI-017917Platform - Configuration
The configuration of the Phonetic Search and the Speech Transcription were not separated after the services were seperated
RI-018501Platform - Configuration
The system did not send all recorded extensions to the servers after Active Directory synchronization in very rare cases
RI-018670Platform - Configuration
The system deactivated the users whose Full DN was changed in the Active Directory
RI-018691Platform - Configuration
Changing the logging properties (Maximum Log File Size (bytes), Maximum Number of Log Files) of the Verba Unified Call Recorder Service, the Media Collector & Proxy Service, the SMS Recorder Service, the Communication Policy Server Service, the Cisco Announcement Service, the Centile Connector Service, the MediaSense Connector Service, the Screen Capture Service did not trigger service restart and were not applied.
RI-018700Platform - Configuration
Passwords with a length greater than 76 characters did not work
RI-018851Platform - Configuration
Consent could not be granted for Azure Active Directory synchronization when the system was deployed on Azure behind an Azure Application Gateway
RI-019601Platform - Configuration
Memory leak in Node Manager Agent service at service state query
RI-017937Platform - Database
Database upgrade script threw an error when creating Roles in a Multi-Tenant environment
RI-018767Platform - Database
Full-text search and search hit highlight didn't work in case of non-western languages
RI-019639Platform - Database
The update-for-9.4.sql script threw an error under certain circumstances when there were calls marked as Private
RI-020373Platform - Database
The Daily Maintenance Job threw an error when the same ccdr_id existed in section1 and section2 tables
RI-021261Platform - Database
Snapshot Isolation update conflict could result in partial data updates in e.g. Active Directory synchronization when recorded extensions were not added
RI-021567Platform - Database
Disposal Log entries were not created
RI-021267Platform - Licensing
License Usage was not logged when there were multiple tenants
RI-017983Platform - Media Processing
Media stitching: if media is to be mixed from a media file starting from more than the 7.6 minutes offset, the stitching was incorrect
RI-018495Platform - Media Processing
Intermittently the audio of the multiplexed video file can have artifacts during playback in case of screen capture recordings
RI-018725Platform - Media Processing
Automatic Gain Control (AGC), which maintains the output volume level of the audio signals for the voice recordings, is now configurable separately for each integration supported by the Unified Call Recorder service
RI-018829Platform - Media Processing
DTMF timing issue led to not recognizing DTMF codes (control commands like ondemand keep)
RI-018842Platform - Media Processing
Downloading and stitching was slow for migrated trader voice calls from Verint v11
RI-020594Platform - Media Processing
If Siren stream had loss the decoding might crash during transcoding
RI-017912Platform - Monitoring
System Monitor might refer the server by hostname instead of FQDN in alerts
RI-018015Platform - Monitoring
Generic system monitor alerts were not inserted into the alerts database due to a wrong default setting
RI-018425Platform - Monitoring
Database connectivity check did not work after connection failures (services can send alerts on database connection issues)
RI-018622Platform - Monitoring
Recorder services raised false alerts on duplicate key violation errors
RI-019506Platform - Monitoring
Configuration changes for the System Monitor Service did not trigger service rereads or restarts
RI-018808Platform - Signalling
Non-UTF8 characters in the metadata fields, received from the signaling protocols, were not stored properly
RI-017918Platform - Storage Management
Too many playback requests from EMC Centera could cause Storage Service crash
RI-017920Platform - Storage Management
When SFTP server did not return authentication mode, the service could crash
RI-018003Platform - Storage Management
Verba upload might be stuck if at the TLS handshake and key exchange, the TCP connection lost without TCP reset
RI-018397Platform - Storage Management
Custom port settings were ignored for S3 Compatible storage targets
RI-018398Platform - Storage Management
In case of database failure during locking a call at data retention policy processing, the service might crash
RI-018560Platform - Storage Management
Bloomberg Vault voice export generated invalid recSiteId values which resulted in failed exports
RI-018673Platform - Storage Management
Parsing errors when exporting Instant Messages containing empty lines
RI-018696Platform - Storage Management
Voice Quality Check configured total score alert threshold was ignored and the default value (75%) was used only
RI-018716Platform - Storage Management
In the case of media stitching, the CDR related files, including the transcript and metadata XML files, were not downloaded to the cache. The player could not display the transcription for the trader voice conversations.
RI-018722Platform - Storage Management
Deduplication, encryption and signing data management policies were not automatically filtering out records under retention and raised errors during policy execution. The system does not allow executing these policies on records under retention.
RI-018730Platform - Storage Management
Move and Archive data management policies only applied user-level retention settings, policy-based settings were ignored
RI-018774Platform - Storage Management
If multiple Media Repositories are available in the home Verba instance (cluster), shared recorders did not terminate ongoing CDRs in some cases
RI-018776Platform - Storage Management
Storage service on the Media Repository servers crashed when CDR information was sent in a shared server configuration with custom metadata
RI-018807Platform - Storage Management
Do not show upload policies in "Execute Only After Another Policy Executed" because the system was unable to support this criteria
RI-018844Platform - Storage Management
Export did not work for instant messages containing " (quote) character
RI-018847Platform - Storage Management
Instant message export did not work for imported conversations
RI-018872Platform - Storage Management
IP Trade turret based playback and transcription did not work for trader voice recordings
RI-018879Platform - Storage Management
Timezone was inaccurate for date and time values in the manifest file and custom CSV metadata files for export
RI-018898Platform - Storage Management
Playback did not work when SMB share with custom credentials was used
RI-019599Platform - Storage Management
EMC Isilon SmartLock secure API connection did not work
RI-019637Platform - Storage Management
Playback did not work for Imported Verint TAR files that are stored on EMC Centera
RI-019640Platform - Storage Management
Conversations marked for deletion (deleted ongoing) were never uploaded and so moved to the nosql folder
RI-020137Platform - Storage Management
Deduplication of encrypted records (Avaya, Skype for Business, Passive SIP) could invalidate crypto information when the secondary recording was considered better than the primary copy. This caused the file to be unusable.
RI-020145Platform - Storage Management
Deduplication did not work due to database transaction rollback issues
RI-020148Platform - Storage Management
Exporting instant messages in a multitenant environment (when the transcript file was not available on the storage) resulted in an incorrect output path
RI-020290Platform - Storage Management
Metadata XML files for CDR-only records were not uploaded to EMC Centera and ECS
RI-020795Platform - Storage Management
Data retention times beyond 2038 could not be applied on Netapp SnapLock
RI-021268Platform - Storage Management
Export failed randomly from Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 compatible storage targets
RI-021566Platform - Storage Management
Connection error with EMC Isilon SmartLock when special characters were used in API credentials
RI-021784Platform - Storage Management
SMTP export did not work and Storage service crashed if the size of the file attachment was smaller then 2 Bytes
RI-023946Platform - Storage Management
Possible handle leak resolved and connection error handling improved for SFTP export
RI-024018Platform - Storage Management
In case of data was modified by other processes during executing the deletion transaction in the deduplication policy, the failed transaction was not retried, instead of alert was raised and processing was reattempted only at the next policy run
RI-024130Platform - Storage Management
Export and import of Skype for Business IM conversations did not work when IM transcript file creating was enabled in the recorder service
RI-024730Platform - Storage Management
Improved handling of Increase Retention policy failures in case of EMC Isilon SmartLock
RI-024802Platform - Storage Management
Transcript of voice calls could not be exported to an SMTP target
RI-024880Platform - Storage Management
Advanced Export: CSV metadata was not properly escaped if it contained delimiter, newline, or " characters
RI-027611Platform - Storage Management
Improved SFTP connection error and timeout handling
RI-018029Installer - Servers
The installer did not use TLS 1.2 for certificate requests during install
RI-018556Installer - Servers
The installer did not insert the value of the SQL failover partner into the registry
RI-018727Installer - Servers
Speech Analytics server role did not include the Storage Management service which is required for transcribing trader voice conversations
RI-018823Installer - Servers
Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 could not be selected in the installer and in the server configuration
RI-018837Installer - Servers
Update script update-for-8.9.sql threw an error and stopped when upgrading from 8.9.5096 or later
RI-024720Installer - Servers
The private key of the generated server certificate was not exportable
RI-018792Installer - Windows Desktop
Desktop Recorder/Agent installer opens the Windows Certificate Store when browsing server certificates
RI-018801Installer - Windows Desktop
The Verba codec installer did not ask for the password of the certificate file
The Finesse Gadget did not work for instant message conversations
RI-018000Platform - CDR and Archived Content Import
Cisco Reconciliation: when a call was not established but the duration was greater than 0, the system considered the call to be imported and disregard the 'Do not import not answered calls' option
RI-018024Platform - CDR and Archived Content Import
Cisco reconciliation imported missing records only when it was missing for both the caller and callee parties when both parties configured for recording
RI-018278Platform - CDR and Archived Content Import
Reconciliation re-check did not work for Cisco calls
RI-018623Platform - CDR and Archived Content Import
In case of Cisco UC CDR import and reconciliation, if the directory for failed CVS files is not available, the service did not create it automatically and moving the failed files failed.
RI-020321Platform - CDR and Archived Content Import
Some of the policy settings are not refreshed on-the-fly for Import policies which are running non-scheduled
RI-020418Platform - CDR and Archived Content Import
In the case of persistent SQL Server connection errors, the system might have skipped CDRs during reconciliation
RI-020591Platform - CDR and Archived Content Import
The CDR Import service crashed during recheck when it tried to delete a failed CDR
RI-020711Platform - CDR and Archived Content Import
CDR import was unable to update Skype for Business conference participants
RI-017961Platform - Import
Import service might crash at termination/shutdown
RI-018055Platform - Import
Cisco Webex Teams (Spark) segmentation did not work for both participants when both participants were configured for recording
RI-018057Platform - Import
CSV column header fields were not case sensitive in generic import
RI-018467Platform - Import
The scheduler was enabled for API based import sources, now it is automatically disabled
RI-018629Platform - Import
Import policy scheduler was not disabled for API based import sources and could interrupt API calls: Cloud 9, REST API and Verint
RI-018735Platform - Import
Playback did not work when imported trader voice calls included media records with no media file reference
RI-018815Platform - Import
REST Import API did not handle 'fileshare' modality correctly
RI-018867Platform - Import
Migration from Verint 15.1 (legacy) based system did not work
RI-018886Platform - Import
Import from Verint v11 stored the type of the vertical/device instead of the number of the handset
RI-018887Platform - Import
Import from Verint v11 did not work for calls previously imported into the Verint system (formatid=201)
RI-018905Platform - Import
Duplicated Front Office records were created during the import from Verint v11 systems
RI-018910Platform - Import
Import from Verint v11 systems did not work when the Archive.dbo.Media table had the override_expiry column
RI-019091Platform - Import
Generic Import did not work for input with character encoding UTF16-LE and UTF16-BE
RI-019598Platform - Import
Selecting the number of Front Office CTI records from the EWareCalls database was slow in the case of Verint v11 migration
RI-020672Platform - Import
CSV file import failed using the generic importer when the last character was a number in the CSV file and it contained a NULL character
RI-021266Platform - Import
Generic import: Improve possible value handling of expressions for constants. In case of "IF" function value can be picked from possible value list.
RI-023117Platform - Import
Verint v11 to Verba migration threw a SQL error when there was an unconfigured EMC Media in the Verint database
RI-024017Platform - Import
Import did not work from local disk or network share where the path included a dot (.) character
RI-024221Platform - Import
Migration from Verint did not pull all of the Verint "Media" as Verba "Storage Target" so calls possibly could be migrated without a Storage Target property
RI-024222Platform - Import
Verint Migration: Back-Office calls are not assigned to Verba users; if a Front-Office call can be assigned to multiple Verba users, then the migration fails

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Copyright © Verba Technologies and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

This document is provided under a the Verba End User License Agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is protected by intellectual property laws. Unless expressly provided in any written license agreement from Verba, the delivery of this document does not give you any license to intellectual property.

Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any purpose (including, but not limited to reverse engineering), without the express written permission of Verba Technologies.

The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.

Third party product names appearing in this document may be trademarks of their respective owners.